Friday, August 17, 2012

OpenStreetMap tiles on N9 Foursquare app

A cute little hack, use proper OpenStreetMap maps with map tile caching instead of always re-downloading the Nokia Map tiles.

Notice something different ? :)
Details later...

Friday, August 10, 2012

Skydive videos

My jump And my girlfriends jump Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Radio X3M app or how to use Qt, Gstreamer and the N9

As a bit of a training in using Qt and Gstreamer together I made a Radio X3M app for the N9, first mainly for personal use but maybe there is one or two Radio X3M listeners with a N9, who knows.

Submitted it to QA today, it is also available as a direct download here. Sources are are in git here. The most interesting part is probably the QML Gstreamer RTSP player element, here. It uses a bunch of elements that are connected to various UI elements for Volume, Equalizer and Surround.

OpenStreetMap Maps with QML Map object

QtQuick/QML comes with a nice ready made Map element that can show map tiles and dots and polygons and stuff. Really nice and all, unfortunately the default and only map available is Nokia maps. And well, I prefer free maps. So, how to get OpenStreetMap working ?

One option is to make your own QML based map element, I started on that but never had enough patience to finish it.

But after some googling around I found qtm-geoservices-extras ! Today I started to look into it a bit more and trying to figure out how to get in working when targeting the N9 as we have the silly problem that anything submitted to the Nokia Store can not depend on any outside packages. Extremely annoying that.

The extra geoservices contain Qt plugins for providing map (and route, search, etc) features from OSM and Google. I didn't care of the goolge plugin at all.

So how to get the plugin working when you make your own app ?

Adding OpenStreetMap Qt map provider to your app

QML Map with OpenStreetMap tiles, running on the simulator

First, checkout qtm-geoservices-extras
git clone git://

Then copy the openstreetmap directory into your own project

cp -a qtm-geoservices-extras/openstreetmap your-map-app/

The edit your projects .pro file to include:

And in your main.cpp (or whatever), add:

#include <qtplugin>
Then edit the file in the openstreetmap directory, like this:
  1. Add static to CONFIG
  2. Remove or comment out the include(../common.pri)
  3. Remove or comment out TARGET=
  4. Remove or comment out TEMPLATE=
  5. Add 
End result should look something like this:

CONFIG += plugin
#TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget(qtgeoservices_osm)
# include(../common.pri)
QT += network
CONFIG += mobility static
MOBILITY = location

Then add the map element to your QML code

import QtMobility.location 1.2

    Map {
        id: nmap
        width: 480;
        height: 300; osm.bottom;
        zoomLevel: 10
        center: mypos;
        connectivityMode: Map.OfflineMode;
        plugin : Plugin {
                name : "openstreetmap"
                PluginParameter{ name:  "" ; value: "/tmp/qtmap" }
                PluginParameter{ name:  "mapping.cache.size" ; value: "200000" }

    Coordinate {
        id: mypos
        latitude: 60.45;
        longitude: 22.25;

And that should do it. Build your app and try it out!